“The Ultimate Value Proposition – Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business” – Leaders for Humanity, with Alejo Sison, a renowned writer, speaker, teacher and thought leader on virtues and business ethics, former President of EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) and Professor at the University of Navarra, as well as Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.
Co-hosted as always by: Antoinette Weibel and Otti Vogt, the Leaders for Humanity series is part of the good organizations project (for further info see https://goodorganisations.com) and intends to offer a critical dialogue with “wise” thought and action leaders related to key questions in the area of individual, organizational and societal transformation. Its main intent is to develop critical thinking and deeper reflection by bringing together multiple perspectives – across philosophy, psychology, sociology, management science, complexity – in a shared inquiry into the nature of good organizations and a good society.