Our SBE Listserv
The SBE Listserv is open to Society for Business Ethics members and friends, for rapid communication of news items of shared interest to a community of academic business ethicists. These may include:
- SBE news
- position announcements
- conference calls for papers
- journal calls for papers
- publication announcements
- news of events of shared interest
- calls for applications for graduate and postgraduate fellowships
- calls for entries for competitions
- calls for nominations for awards or leadership positions
To join, sign into your Google / gmail account, and then click this link:
Then click “Apply for membership.” Enter your display name and choose your email delivery preference, ranging from “Notify me for every new message” to “Send daily summaries” to “Send combined updates (25 messages per email)” to “Don’t send email updates” (if you prefer to engage with the group through the web forum only). Then click “Apply to join this group.” The Group owner will approve new members; please be patient, as this is a manual process. Once your membership is approved, you will receive an email with the subject line “Your request to join Society for Business Ethics Listserv was approved.”
If you do not already have a Google account associated with the email address you would like to use for this Listserv, you will need to create one. However, you can connect that Google account to any email address you like . . . whether gmail, or your institutional email, or another personal email address. You can do that behind this link: https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp&nogm=true
Beta-testers have noted that some users get an “unknown server error” when they try to visit the group but they are not signed into their Google account, or they are signed into a different Google account than the one approved to join the Listserv (e.g., they’re logged into their Gmail account, but joined the Listserv using a Google account associated with a different email). Signing into the Google account associated with the email subscribed to the Listserv solves this problem.
Once your Listserv group membership is approved, you will be able to send email messages to the group by sending them to society-for-business-ethics-listserv@googlegroups.com from the email address you used to join. You will also be able to view the online forum at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/society-for-business-ethics-listserv . Note that the welcome page behind that link includes some guidelines for postings. Note also that posts from non-SBE members, or from addresses other than SBE members’ addresses of record in our membership rosters, may be subject to moderation.
Once you have subscribed to the Listserv on Google Groups, if you are not receiving emails from the Listserv, please be sure to check your spam / junk / clutter folders and settings. Also, sometimes an institutional inbound mail server blocks Listserv messages because it suspects them of being spam. You may wish to check with your institution’s information technology help desk and find out whether messages from the Listserv are being blocked.
Thank you for your interest in this online community! We look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Jason M. Stansbury
Executive Director, Society for Business Ethics
James & Judith Chambery Chair for the Study of Ethics in Business
Associate Professor of Business
Calvin College