The Society for Business Ethics 2022 Annual Conference will be held August 5-7 in beautiful Seattle, Washington. Many SBE attendees also register for and attend the Academy of Management annual meeting at other venues in the city on the same days. Pre-conference activities include the ever-popular teaching workshop on the afternoon of August 4, the “Welcome Back Reception” on the evening of August 4, and the Emerging Scholars Program (by invitation only) on the morning of August 5.
Submissions are being accepted until February 15, in the following categories:
- Completed manuscripts
- Manuscripts for the “Agora” session
- Panels
- Workshops
- Emerging Scholars abstracts (Ph.D. Candidates only)
- Book reviews for the “Coffee with an Author” session
Full information on each of the above, plus submission instructions and policies, are available in the Call for Papers.
SBE welcomes critical, descriptive, interpretive, or normative investigations of phenomena including but not limited to business ethics; business and human rights; business and society; compliance management; corporate social responsibility; diversity, equity, and inclusion; ecological considerations in management; legal considerations in business; sustainable development; and technological ethics.
Our hotel is the Motif Seattle:
It’s situated in Seattle’s bustling downtown, conveniently located only 700 meters from the iconic Pike Place Market, 350 meters from the University Street light rail station, 300 meters from the Washington State Convention Center (where the Academy of Management will have its exhibit hall), and a short walk from numerous other hotels. Rooms are available at the special conference rate of $299 / night plus taxes and fees.
Early registration is available now, at only $200 for SBE members, and only $50 for Student / Emeritus / Non-Tenure-Track (SENTT) SBE members! SBE is well-known for its hospitality, including nightly receptions beginning on Thursday, August 4, and numerous coffee breaks at which attendees enjoy one another’s company, network, and discuss current and future projects.
The SBE conference website includes the Call for Papers, a link to reserve hotel rooms at the discounted conference rate, and a link to register for the conference and buy tickets to the Presidential Luncheon through Cambridge University Press:
We hope to see you there! –
Kirsten Martin, President
Alejo Sison, Program Chair
Jason Stansbury, Executive Director