Dear SBE members,

Happy New Year!  

The Society is gearing up for our first-ever European conference in Copenhagen, and it will be a fantastic event at the Copenhagen Business School, to whom we are grateful. Stay tuned for updates, and do reserve your hotel room early--we have some rooms available at the nearby Scandic Falconer available through May, and will also make a couple of other options available (see the Conference webpage for more details), but last-minute booking will be quite difficult.

We are continuing our scholarships for those who otherwise would be unable to come to the conference, and we do have sponsorship opportunities available for institutions who want to support the SBE conference activities. Please reach out to Tae Wan Kim (our President) or myself if you want to be a sponsor.

I want to thank Mollie Painter and Frank den Hond for their steady hands guiding Business Ethics Quarterly these last years, and leaving it in such a good position. The board has received many excellent nominations and will soon be making decisions so that an editor or editor team can be in place by March to give Frank and Mollie time to help the new editor(s) get up to speed prior to the conference.

Many thanks also to Oluwatobi Ogunmokun (Tobi), our new media director, who has graciously accepted that position and is doing outstanding work, following the excellent service Matt Caulfield had provided. I am grateful to have the privilege to work with the board and so many excellent colleagues as we continue to make the Society for Business Ethics what it is.

Thanks to all of you who support SBE in so many ways!

Andrew Gustafson, Ph.D. (phil.)
Executive Director of the Society for Business Ethics
Heider College of Business, Creighton University


2025 Annual Meeting: 24-27 July • Copenhagen


Dear Colleagues,

Yes, the Society for Business Ethics is going to Denmark this summer! 24-27 July, 2025. And heads up: the submission deadline is just in two weeks (31 January)

Share your work through a traditional paper presentation, an agora submission, a panel, a workshop, a book review session, or join our amazing Emerging Scholars crew. Can't make it to Copenhagen? No worries: we've got online options too.

Speaking of Emerging Scholars: calling all grad students and early-career scholars! You only need an abstract (no full paper required) to get access to one-on-one mentoring with leading scholars, exclusive networking events and dedicated receptions, a special luncheon with previous Emerging Scholars, and an introduction to the broader business ethics community.

Conferences can be expensive, but we are committed to making SBE 2025 accessible to scholars worldwide. Our Fee Waiver Program covers conference fees and SBE membership for 20 scholars. And our Travel Grant Program offers three competitive grants for travel and accommodation, free conference registration, and SBE membership specifically designed to support scholars from underrepresented regions.

Do not miss the opportunity to share your research, challenge others’ perspectives, and be part of the top business ethics community.
Ready to join the fun? Head over to the Manuscript Central Portal to login and submit.

Please, don't hesitate to reach out with questions, ideas, or even just to chat about your work. We are a friendly community that loves nothing more than welcoming new voices to the conversation.

Hope to see you in Copenhagen! Think long summer evenings, outdoor cafes, and ethics discussions that might not change the world but will make it a bit better :)

Have a nice and productive weekend!

Miguel Alzola (Fordham University, NYC)
Your Program Chair

Copenhagen Business School:

Share in Your Network:

With the deadline for scholarly submissions fast approaching, we invite you to view our recent LinkedIn post, and share it in your network!


International Business Ethics Case Competition: April 9–11, 2025

"The 2025 International Business Ethics Case Competition (IBECC) will be held from April 9 to 11. We are being hosted by San Francisco State University and will be at SFSU’s 160 Spear Street location in the Financial District. Registration is open now. For information and updates, see ibecc.net."


Follow the Society on X, LinkedIn, or Facebook to receive timely updates on new opportunities, or check out our job openings page on our website. 


Business Ethics Quarterly, published by Cambridge University Press, is the official journal of the Society for Business Ethics.

Call for Nominations and Expressions of Interest: Editor in Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly

The Executive Board of the Society for Business Ethics invites nominations and expressions of interest to become the next Editor in Chief of Business Ethics Quarterly, to serve a five-year term beginning in July of 2025 (at the annual meeting). A Co-Editor(s)-in-Chief appointment is also a possibility, if two qualified candidates seek to work/apply in tandem.

Candidates are asked to please send expressions of interest by February 1, 2025 for full consideration, though the position will remain open until filled. Interested candidates should send a statement of interest, a current CV, and contact information for three references to the Executive Director of the Society for Business Ethics, Dr. Andy Gustafson at executivedirector@sbeonline.org with the subject line “BEQ EiC.”  

Nominations are also welcomed at the above address, with the same subject line.

Find more details on the SBE website.


  • Call for Papers – Special Issue: “The AI Revolution: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Management” – Due 30 January, 2025
    • The submission deadline to Special Issue: “The AI Revolution: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Management” is 30 January 2025. Find full details in the call for papers here or on their website. 
  • Call for Papers – Special Issue of Journal of Business Ethics – Due May 1, 2025
    • Members are invited to submit papers to the Journal of Business Ethics Special Issue on Polycrisis and Precarity: Understanding the Lived Experience of Workers. The deadline is 1 May, 2025, and the full call for papers can be found here: https://link.springer.com/collections/hedibbgiab. -- Be sure to click on "show all". Feel free to contact Helet Botha to request additional information: hbotha@umich.edu
  • Call for Papers – Industrial Marketing Management: Unethical, Controversial, and Illegal Corporate Practices in the Business-to-Business Market – Due August 1, 2025
    • The submission deadline for Industrial Marketing Management: Unethical, Controversial, and Illegal Corporate Practices in the Business-to-Business Market is 1 August 2025. Find full details here.


Junior Scholars Network

The Society of Business Ethics Junior Scholars Network (JSN)—connecting PhD students, postdocs, and junior faculty interested in business ethics research—is working to elect new organizing committees. The JSN is open to all non-tenured scholars and exists as a flexible, diverse, open, and inclusive group that embraces new ideas and hosts events (such as “meet the editor,” “meet the author,” and paper development workshops) based on the needs and interests of its members.

If you are interested in helping shape the future of the JSN by joining an organizing committee, please contact 

Miguel Velasco López: miguel.velasco@cunef.edu

Oluwatobi A. Ogunmokun: oluwatobiogunmokun@gmail.com

or Chiara Andreoli: can.msc@cbs.dk

We look forward to continuing our collaboration and supporting early-career scholars in business ethics!

SBE DEI Focus: Inclusion Across Life Stages

The Society for Business Ethics’ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is pleased to share our focus for the 2024-2025 year: Inclusion Across Life Stages.

During this academic year, the DEI Committee is working on the launch of new initiatives on the topic of “Inclusion across life stages,” and the consolidation and expansion of the results achieved in the past two years. Learn more about the DEI Committee’s goals at https://sbeonline.org/about-us/dei-committee/

IABS Strategic Initiatives

In 2024, IABS is re-launching the Strategic Initiatives program, with a more specific focus of supporting research development in regions and countries beyond Europe and North America where the majority of IABS’ members reside and work. Whilst we welcome all proposals that are committed to further our strategic objectives, we are particularly interested in proposals that seek to contribute to the development of research in locations not currently well represented in IABS’ membership. Current IABS members from any region or country can submit a proposal. Examples of proposals supporting research development include manuscript development workshops, research incubators, and team research projects drawing in scholars from these areas.

Learn more here.



If you have any news, job openings, calls for papers, or other relevant information that you’d like to appear in the next newsletter, please email the Media Director (Tobi) at media@sbeonline.org
Copyright © 2024 Society for Business Ethics, all rights reserved.