JUNE 2022


Greetings, SBE members and friends! I am glad to write this update for you, as SBE has been busy preparing our return to hosting an in-person conference, and as many of you have been busy making important contributions to the field of business ethics. This newsletter is full of information on those preparations and contributions, and is testimony to the health of the Society and the field.

SBE 2022 is coming up soon, and I am eager to see many of you in person for the first time since 2019. Early registration and hotel bookings at the SBE conference rate are both available until July 3, at sbeonline.org/conference/2022-annual-conference, as is a detailed schedule of conference sessions. Aside from the dozens of sessions and colleagues there, a few highlights of this year’s conference include:

  • The Teaching Workshop on Thursday afternoon, August 4, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, sponsored by the Wheatley Institution of Brigham Young University.

    • This ever-popular session is led by Brad Agle of Brigham Young University, and this year will feature:

      • Frank Oswald of Columbia University

      • Tom Donaldson of the University of Pennsylvania

      • Niki den Nieuwenboer of the University of Kansas.

  • The Opening Plenary on Friday afternoon, August 5, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, on “Sustainability, Responsibility, and Human Rights: The Costco Story,” sponsored by the Seattle University Center for Business Ethics.  

    • Jeffery Smith of Seattle University will moderate, and the speakers will be

      • Sheri Flies, Vice President for Global Sustainability and Compliance at Costco Wholesale 

      • Preston Witt, Human Rights Director for Global Sustainability and Compliance at Costco Wholesale.

  • The Presidential Luncheon and Achievement Awards, on Saturday, August 6 from 11:45 to 1:15.  

    • Kirsten Martin, of the University of Notre Dame, will deliver her Presidential Address on “Who Counts in Business Ethics?”

  • The Keynote Address, on Saturday, August 6 from 5:30 to 6:30.  

    • Shawn Wong, of the University of Washington, will deliver his address on “How to teach an entire city, a university, or a company how to talk about race in only 50 years.”

  • Receptions on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings.

I am delighted that we have such a full program of timely and interesting sessions for our first in-person meeting of the 2020s, and hope to see many of you there!

Separately, SBE has been working to enhance our organization’s welcoming and inclusion of diverse colleagues. SBE firmly believes that an excellent academic environment must be diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The Board has therefore established the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) to advance fair and nondiscriminatory practices within SBE, propose remedial action to the SBE Board, and perform outreach to individuals and under-represented groups within the business ethics profession. Moreover, the Board has approved a new Inclusion and Belonging Policy, which is now in effect, to encourage respectful interaction among SBE members and provide recourse for any member who suffers threatening, harmful, humiliating, intimidating, or offensive acts in the course of an SBE activity. You can read more about the DEIC in this newsletter, and on the DEIC page on the SBE website: sbeonline.org/dei-committee

Thank you for your contributions to the Society and the field of business ethics!

I look forward to seeing you in Seattle this August. – Jason

Dr. Jason M. Stansbury
Executive Director, Society for Business Ethics
James and Judith Chambery Fellow for the Study of Ethics in Business
Professor of Business
Calvin University


The Society for Business Ethics 2022 Annual Conference will be held August 5–7 in beautiful Seattle, Washington. Many SBE attendees also register for and attend the Academy of Management annual meeting at other venues in the city on the same days.

Pre-conference activities include the ever-popular teaching workshop on the afternoon of August 4, the “Welcome Back Reception” on the evening of August 4, and the Emerging Scholars Program (by invitation only) on the morning of August 5. You may find the draft program here.

Our hotel is the Motif Seattle: destinationhotels.com/motif-seattle

It’s situated in Seattle’s bustling downtown, conveniently located only 700 meters from the iconic Pike Place Market, 350 meters from the University Street light rail station, 300 meters from the Washington State Convention Center (where the Academy of Management will have its exhibit hall), and a short walk from numerous other hotels.  Rooms are available at the special conference rate of $299 / night plus taxes and fees.

Early registration is available now, at only $200 for SBE members, and only $50 for Student / Emeritus / Non-Tenure-Track (SENTT) SBE members! SBE is well-known for its hospitality, including nightly receptions beginning on Thursday, August 4, and numerous coffee breaks at which attendees enjoy one another’s company, network, and discuss current and future projects.

The SBE conference website includes the Call for Papers, a link to reserve hotel rooms at the discounted conference rate, and a link to register for the conference and buy tickets to the Presidential Luncheon through Cambridge University Press: sbeonline.org/conference/2022-annual-conference/

We hope to see you there!

Kirsten Martin, President
Alejo Sison, Program Chair
Jason Stansbury, Executive Director



We are looking forward to welcoming our new Emerging Scholars into the Society for Business Ethics.  Learn more about their backgrounds and research focuses here.

Saleem Azhar, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Mollie Bryde, Liverpool John Moores University
Barbara Bziuk, Utrecht University
Hyeonjin Cha, University of Oregon
Marc Dörlemann, University of Hamburg
Dennis Dunivan, University of Denver
Esperanza Hernandez-Cuadra, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Aude Marie Marcoux, Université du Québec à Montréal
Kyle Scott, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Prami Sengupta, University of California, Irvine
Emma van den Terrell, University of Mannheim & Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics
Carolina Villegas-Galaviz, UPC & University of Notre Dame

A Note from the Media Director

I am glad to join the SBE team as Media Director. In addition to compiling these newsletters, we want to use our social media presence to promote the Society and its members. If you have an update, upcoming subject-relevant conference, call for applications, call for papers, etc., you don't need to wait for the newsletter—please send it any time, year-round, to media@sbeonline.org. We post on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. If you have a tweet you want us to retweet/quote tweet, feel free to mention us or direct message it to us at twitter.com/sbeonline. If you are new to or unfamiliar with social media, please feel free to reach out to media@sbeonline.org, and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

Matthew Caulfield, Ph.D.
Media Director
Assistant Professor of Management
West Chester University

SBE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

SBE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (“DEIC”) has launched! The Board established the DEIC to address the needs of of underrepresented groups in the business ethics community. The DEIC’s members are Mihailis E. Diamantis (UIowa), César González-Cantón (CUNEF Universidad), Shazia Rehman Khan (Bahria University), Preethi Mishra (Nottingham Trent University), Marta Rocchi (Dublin City University), and Lindsay J. Thompson (Johns Hopkins).  

We are here to serve the SBE community and have already been hard at work. You can find more information about the DEIC—including SBE’s new DEI statement and our agenda for 2022-23—on our webpage: sbeonline.org/dei-committee. We’d also love to hear from you! Please share ideas and feedback: sbe.diversity@gmail.com.

Invitation from the SBE Junior Scholars Network

If you are interested in joining the SBE Junior Scholars Network's activities or organising your own, please join our Google group: sbeonline.org/junior-scholars-network.
Once you're signed up, you will receive information about our events, such as our regular reading group. Our next meeting is on July 1.
We will also announce the election of the next Organising Committee very soon, so keep an eye out and nominate yourself or someone you think would love the role! If you are attending the SBE Annual Meeting in Seattle, please join our breakfast session and come say hi! We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible online and/or in person this summer.

Business Ethics Quarterly

Volume 32 - Issue 2 (April 2022) is available now.

BEQ, published by Cambridge University Press, is the official journal of the Society for Business Ethics.



Book Publications Announcements
  • Alejo Sison was featured on Leaders for Humanity discussing “The Ultimate Value Proposition – Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business."
  • Clark H. Warner successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Influences on Dual-Process Ethical Decision-Making and the Development of Moral Automaticity“ at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, and has accepted a position as lecturer in organizations and management at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business starting July 1.
  • Dr. Clovia Hamilton will be joining the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University July 1, 2022 to teach business law and ethics.




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