With just over a month to go before SBE 2021, I am encouraged to see that notwithstanding the ongoing pandemic, SBE remains vital and engaged with some of the important questions of our era!
As you can see in the remainder of this newsletter, SBE members are publishing books, hosting conferences, winning awards, and taking on positions of leadership. SBE’s members are making important contributions, and it is always a delight to see the range and depth of those contributions.
SBE as an organization is also thriving, with memberships (267 already in mid-June) on the same pace as in 2020, notwithstanding this year’s difficulties in academia. The last newsletter announced the selection of Mollie Painter and Frank den Hond as the new co-Editors in Chief of BEQ, taking office in July; this newsletter’s “News from BEQ” feature by outgoing Editor in Chief Bruce Barry announces Joanna Osiewicz-Lorenzutti as the new Managing Editor of BEQ! Some of you have already corresponded with Joanna, as she took office at the end of March. This newsletter also includes some reflections from Libby Scott, the outgoing Managing Editor of BEQ, on her years of able service at the journal.
Finally, SBE’s 2021 Virtual Conference is shaping up to be an interesting and meaningful one. We are looking forward to expanded global participation again this year, as participants join our sessions from around the world from Monday, July 26 to Friday, July 30.
- We have a topical lineup of marquee sessions, beginning with the Opening Plenary as Anita Allen of the University of Pennsylvania and Paul C. Taylor of Vanderbilt University discuss “Philosophical Approaches to Racial Justice and Business Ethics,” moderated by Paul T. Harper of the University of Pittsburgh. SBE President Danielle Warren, of Rutgers University, will deliver the Presidential Address, on “‘Woke’ Corporations and the Stigmatization of Corporate Social Initiatives.” And Govind Persad of the University of Denver will deliver the Keynote Address, speaking about “Fair global distribution of Covid-19 vaccines: The role of firms.”
- We have an exciting roster of Emerging Scholars this year; they are profiled in this newsletter, so please greet them at the virtual socials on Monday and Wednesday!
- We have, for the first time, “Coffee with an Author” sessions at which the author and reviewer of a monograph will be available for a roundtable discussion of their book. (I plan to join in from my study with a cup of my own coffee this year, but hope to join in with a cup of hotel coffee in person next year in Seattle).
- And we have, being bestowed for the first time, the SBE Best Practical Solutions Award, given to “the paper presented at the annual meeting that provides the most significant practical and immediate impact on the life of employees” in memory of longtime SBE member Denis Collins.
Altogether, SBE continues to convene thought leaders from a variety of fields, from around the world, and from the range of career stages and paths, to bring new insights to difficult questions. I remain grateful for SBE members’ dedication to the Society and to the field, and am eager to see you online in July!
Best Regards – Jason
Dr. Jason M. Stansbury
Executive Director, Society for Business Ethics
James and Judith Chambery Chair for the Study of Ethics in Business
Associate Professor of Business
Calvin University
The 2021 Annual Conference will be held virtually from July 26-30. If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact the Program Chair, Kirsten Martin:
We are proud to announce the 2021 Emerging Scholars:
- Valtteri Aaltonen, Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics
- Anne-Sophie Dubey, Mines ParisTech
- Dana Entenza, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics Business Administration and Information Technology
- Christian Kroll, University of Mannheim Business School
- Julie Nelsen, Marquette University
- Simon Oldham, Royal Holloway and New Bedford College
- Isaac Osei-Tutu, Universität Zürich
- Stefanie Remmer, Universität Hamburg
- Stephen Shoda, Indiana Institute Of Technology
- Samuel Skowronek, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School
We are looking forward to welcoming our new Emerging Scholars into the Society for Business Ethics.
A huge thank you to our reviewers Kendy Hess and Robbin Derry as well as to this year’s mentors!
- Joé Martineau and Florian Krause
This spring in the northern hemisphere brought transition in the crucial role of managing editor of BEQ, a position that Elizabeth Scott – Libby to all who know her – has held with distinction since 2007. Libby’s run as managing editor has spanned the tenures of three editors in chief (Gary Weaver, Denis Arnold, and me), and it included our transition to a new publisher (Cambridge) and a new online submission processing system in 2015. Libby has been an efficient and highly effective steward of the journal’s administrative processes, and she is also a valued colleague within the Society for Business Ethics community whose work with editors, authors, and reviewers always blends professionalism and compassion. Her departure from BEQ’s leadership team comes in advance of her professional retirement later this year from her long-time position on the faculty of Eastern Connecticut State University. Hail and farewell Libby, and enormous thanks.
In pondering the transition to a new managing editor, the SBE board agreed to expand the scope of the role, which allowed us to aim our search at publishing professionals (not that Libby isn’t a consummate pro, but it has until now been essentially a volunteer role and she does have a mildly consuming day job as a professor and interim dean).
I am delighted to introduce to the SBE community the journal’s new managing editor, Joanna Osiewicz-Lorenzutti. Joanna, who lives and works (on a mountain!) in Łukowica, Poland, has more than 15 years of experience in publishing, many in managing editor roles. Her work has included just about every phase: commissioning, editing, copyediting, fact checking, proofreading, typesetting, rights acquisition, event organizing, and more, on projects spanning research, non-fiction, art, and literature. She has several years experience working remotely, coordinating across platforms and time zones. The journal is fortunate to have Joanna’s talent and experience, and we welcome her into the fold of the SBE community.
Looking Past the Pandemic
Disrupting pretty much everything on the planet one way or another, the pandemic has over the last 15 months led to some modest delays in systems of review and production, but all aspects of the journal’s editorial function were fully engaged and operational all the way through. I would like express my thanks to submitting authors for their patience when they encountered slowdowns in our editorial process. I am also grateful to our referees for continuing throughout to write and submit high quality reviews amidst everything else going on.
The second half of 2021 brings not just a gradual return to normalcy (granted, at different paces in different places), it also brings change to the top of the BEQ masthead. As announced here in the last newsletter, incoming editors-in-chief Mollie Painter (Nottingham Business School in the UK) and Frank den Hond (Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki) will take the reins of the journal in August. With the team of Mollie, Frank, and Joanna BEQ is well situated for continued success.
Bruce Barry
Editor in Chief
The Managing Editor’s perch gives one a unique perspective on a journal and the scholars in a discipline. When Gary Weaver asked me to become Managing Editor, he said “BEQ takes a developmental approach. I know we’re doing a good job when we receive thank you notes even from people whose papers we reject.” I have seen that embedded in the culture as papers work their way through. Reviewers provide detailed, specific, and helpful comments to authors, even when their recommendation to the editor is “Reject.” Editors carefully consider and synthesize the reviewers’ positions in constructive decisions. Authors mention the improvements in their articles directly attributable to the quality of the reviews and editorial guidance.
I’ve worked with 3 Editors-in-Chief and more Associate Editors and Reviewers than I can count. Were some of them sometimes less-than-perfect in their response or response time? Of course. Most had demanding full-time jobs, and I was privileged to learn of many joys and sorrows that took them away from attending to BEQ matters now and then. Even though BEQ’s approach probably did not seem developmental to some authors, SBE has a right to be proud of its journal.
As I leave, I feel reassured that the journal is in good hands. The new Managing Editor, Joanna Osiewicz-Lorenzutti, is already doing far more (and better) work than I ever did. She is facilitating the transition for the new editorial team taking over this summer. The journal relies on SBE members to send their best work, whether as authors, reviewers, or editors. I would like to thank each of you for the way you have supported BEQ in the past and encourage you to continue to do so. BEQ itself is improving with every year. I look forward to seeing what develops.
Libby Scott
Former Managing Editor at Business Ethics Quarterly
BEQ, published by Cambridge University Press, is the official journal of the Society for Business Ethics.
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