Sonu Bedi
Best Conference Paper Award of 2017
"Online Dating Sites as Public Accommodations: Facilitating Racial Discrimination"
Marco Meyer
Best Dissertation Award of 2017
"The Right to Credit"
Jessica A. Kennedy, Tae Wan Kim, and Alan Strudler
BEQ Best Article Award of 2016
"Hierarchies and Dignity: A Confucian Communitarian Approach"
Sébastien Mena, City, University of London
Best BEQ Reviewer Award of 2017
Joseph DesJardins
Long-term Lifetime Achievement Award for Distinguished Service
Daryl Koehn
Long-term Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship
Features and Opportunities
The annual conference provided an opportunity for members to present their own research, engage with the latest academic discussions in business ethics, and enjoy the fellowship of other scholars and professionals in the field.

Find many opportunities for networking.

2017 SBE Conference
Presidential Luncheon & Awards
Sheraton Hotel, Atlanta, GA
2017 Annual Conference
The annual conference began on Friday, August 4th at 1:00 pm with the welcome and plenary session. A special pre-conference event, “Teaching Business Ethics Effectively: Insights from Master Teachers,” was scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, August 3rd and was followed by an early evening reception in honor of SBE’s international members and attendees. The conference concluded with a closing reception in the early evening of Sunday, August 6th.
This year 188 members and guests attended and/or participated in the conference.
Thanks to all for making this year’s conference a great success!
Plenary SEssion
Business Ethics During the Trump Administration
The Annual Conference began on Friday, August 4th with a special plenary session featuring a timely discussion of the role of businesses and academic business ethicists in the era of President Trump.
Keynote Speaker
Raj Sisodia
Rajendra Sisodia was the featured keynote speaker at the Annual Conference. He is a founder and leader of the fast growing global Conscious Capitalism movement and serves as the FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business and Whole Foods Market Research Scholar in Conscious Capitalism at Babson College in Wellesley, MA. He is also Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc. (
Raj Sisodia
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Emerging Scholars
One of the most valuable accomplishments of the Society for Business Ethics is the warm and collegial mentorship environment it has created for PhD students. For a number of years the society has coordinated a mentorship program before starting to hold a special workshop for our emerging scholar PhD students at its Annual Conference.
Speed Mentoring
This year, twelve (12) early-career colleagues seeded relationships with established-career colleagues, in a dynamic, stimulating and fun session. (Fun! Yes, absolutely.)