Annual Meeting 2016
The annual conference provides an opportunity for members to present their own research results, to become acquainted with the latest developments in teaching and research, to engage in the discussion of emerging business ethics issues, and to enjoy the fellowship of other scholars and professionals in the field.
Thank You For Attending!
Thank you for attending the 2016 Annual Society for Business Ethics Conference. It was productive and enjoyed by many. Check out the program and photos from the event below!

Speed Mentoring Program
We are always looking for new ways to open doors and make our membership as accessible as possible. Sometimes, ideas for programs come from our Executive Committee while other times our Program Chair responds to requests for particular programs from members. We offered a new program at our Anaheim meeting based on a member request for more opportunities to have structured introductions to members established in their careers. The program was coordinated by Diana Robertson and Laura Hartman.
Admittedly, our ‘Speeed Mentoring’ program probably did not allow much time for the mentoring aspect but instead was designed primarily to provide 12 early career members with intentional introductions to 12 established career members. Since the “Earlies” already shared responses to several questions along with their contact information, there was no need to swap business cards, and the pairs could dive into a healthy conversation for a few minutes before the horn went off, signaling a move to the next paired conversation.
Discussions were intended to allow participants to introduce one another and gain a deeper level of comfort with potential future interactions during the SBE program or throughout the year. Feedback from both mentors and mentees has been extremely positive. Those interested in participating during the 2017 Atlanta program should watch for the announcement on the SBE listserv (see SBEOnline for subscription info).