Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Society for Business Ethics

SBE firmly believes that an excellent academic environment must be diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The DEI Committee will seek to advance fair and nondiscriminatory practices within SBE, propose remedial action to the SBE Board, and perform outreach to individuals and under-represented groups within the business ethics profession.

  • The Society for Business Ethics and its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will soon announce financial assistance initiatives to promote access to SBE’s upcoming annual conference in Copenhagen. Visit the 2025 Conference Page for details.


DEI Committee Members


Mihailis E. Diamantis
Professor of Law, Professor of Philosophy (by courtesy), University of Iowa
Shazia Rehman Khan
Assistant Professor, Bahria University, Pakistan
Marta Rocchi, Chair
Assistant Professor of Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, DCU Business School, Dublin City University, Ireland
Lindsay J Thompson
Professor of Practice, Johns Hopkins University
Rita Mota
Assistant Professor, ESADE Business School
Florian Krause
Senior Research Fellow & Lecturer, Institute for Business Ethics, University of St. Gallen
PostDoc, Institute for interdisciplinary Work and Employment Studies, Leibniz University of Hanover
Lauren S. Kaufmann
Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship Area, Darden School of Business
Affiliated Faculty Member of the Gender, Women & Sexuality Department, University of Virginia
Rosa Fioravante
Postdoctoral Researcher
Catholic Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal
Usochi Ilozumba

PhD Candidate
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Germany



DEI Plan

SBE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (“DEIC”) will establish and publicly convey its goals for each academic year.

2024-25 Plan – Focus on: Inclusion Across Life Stages

During this academic year, the DEIC Committee is working on: a) launch of new initiatives on the topic “Inclusion across life stages,” and b) consolidation and expansion of the results achieved in the past two years.

a) Launch of new initiatives:

The DEIC recognizes that members of the Society for Business Ethics span across very diverse life situations and career stages. To support members in specific moments of their lives and careers, this academic year the DEIC focuses on the theme of “inclusion across life stages.” In particular, there will be a special focus on academics with caring responsibilities and on colleagues who are retired or close to retirement. Meetings will be held with SBE members included in these two specific sub-communities within the Society, to identify the specific challenges and opportunities connected to these life stages and see what can be done to support SBE members in these specific situations.

b) Consolidation and expansion of previous years’ initiatives:

  • Second edition of the Fee Waiver and Conference Grant Program;
  • Second edition of the SBE DEI Award;
  • Outreach to international networks of academics in business ethics to promote the SBE membership, especially in underrepresented areas;
  • DEI-related plenary session at the 2025 SBE Annual Meeting;
  • Continuing to promote stories of inclusion and linguistic diversity through different channels.

2023-24 Plan – Focus on: Language Diversity

Building on last year’s work, in line with feedback from SBE members, and subject to consultation with the SBE Board, the SBE’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (”DEIC“) establishes the following goals for 2023-24:

  • Getting to know the SBE Membership and assessing different aspects of diversity.
  • Reaching out to various stakeholders in order to promote the SBE, especially in under-represented areas;
  • Organizing a DEI-related panel session at the 2024 SBE Annual Meeting;
  • Recognizing SBE members’ individual contributions to DEI through an award;
  • Contributing to the development and improvement of virtual and hybrid SBE events, and, more generally, to low barrier access to SBE events;
  • Continuing to promote stories of inclusion from within the SBE;
  • Promoting and facilitating member-led, DEI-related collaborative activities

2022-23 Plan – Internationalization

  • Getting to Know the SBE Membership
    • The DEIC can best serve SBE if it knows who its members are.
  • Outreach and Visibility
    • The DEIC aims to communicate its mission and goals through a dedicated SBE webpage and email address.
  • Theme for a DEI Panel at the SBE Annual Meeting
    • The DEIC will adopt a focus theme for a panel at the 2023 Annual Meeting.
  • DEI Recognition Award
    • The DEIC will establish an award to recognize SBE members’ individual contributions to DEI.
  • Virtual SBE Events
    • The DEIC understands that cost and distance can be barriers to participation for SBE’s international community and will consider ways to address those barriers.