“This special issue of Philosophy of Management aims to investigate and address fundamental questions about artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on organizations, society, and management using philosophical and management perspectives. The rapid expansion and implementation of AI—i.e., large language models (LLM), automated decision systems, and machine learning—has been called a revolution. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, which developed the Bard and Gemini chatbots, stated, “This is going to impact every product across every company, and so that’s, that’s why I think it’s a very, very profound technology” (Pelly, 2023). When OpenAI released its ChatGPT AI-bot, the way humans interact with technology and information changed. It was the most quickly adopted application in history, reaching 100 million active monthly users in two months (Hu, 2023). Companies release more AI tools to create art, videos, computer programs, screenplays, and music each month. AI is also used to review job candidates, determine creditworthiness, recommend military targets, and process insurance claims.”
Find full details in the call for papers here or on their website.