Edward Elgar Publishing is delighted to announce this new release:
Salvaging Corporate Sustainability
Michael L. Barnett, Rutgers University, US, Irene Henriques, York University, Canada and Bryan W. Husted, EGADE Business School Monterrey, Mexico
‘This book casts a much needed critical eye on the mantra of the win-win scenario, the idea that business can do well economically by doing good for society and the environment. The reality is far more complex and, as the authors rightly point out, “The self-interested actions of independent firms operating in deregulated global markets will not add up to a sustainable world.” What is needed is the fresh and sober look at business sustainability that this book provides; its promises, premises, realities and possibilities. Before business and the market can play its proper role in solving our sustainability challenges, this book makes the case that we need to rethink the proper role of government in resetting the structures of the market. This book is a welcome addition to the ongoing discussion on this very important topic, written by three accomplished scholars in this topic.’
– Andrew Hoffman, University of Michigan, USA and author of Management as a Calling: Leading Business, Serving Society