Latest Issue
Many of us may hope that twenty-twenty-too does not bring more of the same, but indeed something different: renewed inspiration, wisdom that capitalizes on the learnings that the COVID-19 years have yielded, and new perspectives. The first issue after the change in BEQ’s editorial leadership [January 2022 issue (32/1)] has gone to print, bringing with it all the scholarly excellence that we inherited from Bruce, who shepherded most of this issue’s content (thank you Bruce!). After the previous special issue on overlooked thinkers (31/4), the upcoming issue is a regular issue. Its table of contents features two articles that are set in the context of the ongoing pandemic, Danielle Warren’s presidential address on woke capitalism, and our editorial musings on what makes the blood flow in business ethics research. The full TOC of the latest issue is available here.
Changes in Editorial Team
We all owe the depth of BEQ’s intellectual tradition to the selfless service of members of our community. Some shouldered an especially impressive workload including Gary Weaver, who we would like to thank especially as he stepping down as associate editor. Gary led the journal from 2005 to 2011, then generously stayed on as associate editor for another ten years, and now agreed to join the editorial board! BEQ’s readership has been fortunate to benefit from this continuity, and we would like to thank you, Gary, for your ongoing commitment.
We are fortunate to welcome two more members of the editorial board. In the spirit of BEQ’s commitment to continuity, Bruce Barry, Vanderbilt, agreed to join after his term as editor. Laura Spence from Royal Holloway, London, also agreed to join, bringing with her important perspectives on gender and inclusivity. Already after last Summer the editorial board was expanded by another dozen members: Anne Antoni, Daniel Arenas, Caleb Bernacchio, Wendy Chapple, Marianna Fotaki, Jennifer Goodman, Robert Hughes, Emilio Marti, Michael Kates, Jukka Mäkinen, Sareh Pouryousefi, and Glen Whelan. Welcome to all! We are looking forward to the invigorating perspectives and generous service you will bring to the journal.
Discontinuation of Review Articles
New beginnings afford us the chance to reflect on what is most meaningful and to introduce some carefully considered changes. One such change in the journal’s editorial policy is the discontinuation of review articles. BEQ’s commitment to publish only pieces making a novel theoretical contribution that advances our understanding of the subject matter at hand, posed a tension with review articles’ goal to systematically or narratively review the body of literature on that subject matter. Most proposals for review articles struggled to resolve this tension, as the required review seems to leave too little space for novel theoretical advancements. We also believe theoretical articles by necessity build from a critical discussion of a body of literature, making a separate section for “review articles” seem superfluous. The full motivation has been communicated in the “Instructions for authors” section on the BEQ webpage here.
Mollie Painter
Frank den Hond
Co-Editors in Chief
BEQ, published by Cambridge University Press, is the official journal of the Society for Business Ethics. For more information contact the co-editors at or
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