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Calls for Papers

Business Ethics in the 6ix, vol. 6

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Business Ethics in the 6ix is an annual event in Toronto where new research in business ethics is discussed. While the workshop started in 2016 mostly as a local conference, it has steadily grown. Last year’s edition saw participants from 14 different universities in 4 countries.

The sixth edition of BE6 will take place May 16-17, 2022 online on Zoom.

Accepted papers will be circulated to registered participants prior to the event. Sessions will start with a very short opportunity for the speaker to summarize the paper, situate it, or draw attention to specific aspects of it. This will be followed by a Q&A. Registered participants can get in the queue to ask questions in advance of the workshop – this commits them to sending a brief written version of their question to the author.

To be considered for inclusion in the program, please send a fully anonymized version of your paper to

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2022. Decisions will be reached and communicated to authors no later than April 15. Submitting full papers is encouraged. Abstracts will be considered but not on equal footing.