10-13 July 2020, St Anne’s College Oxford
For the 14th Philosophy of Management conference we return to our familiar place and format, St Anne’s College Oxford University, for unhurried presentations and discussions over four days with on-site accommodation.
Whilst we welcome papers doing philosophy on any topic related to management of organisations, we encourage submissions around the 2020 conference theme: ‘Philosophy and managing contemporary challenges’
Theme call: ‘Philosophy and managing contemporary challenges’
We can be certain that we live in uncertain times. In many ways, what could be taken for granted is now in turmoil. Humanity faces grand challenges – in relation to our natural environment and climate, economic growth and globalisation, gender divisions and demographic shifts, human and artificial intelligence – which we attempt to manage through organising at various levels. At the same time, business organisations attempt to strategically and operationally navigate these grand challenges.
Our 2020 conference, held at our familiar Oxford setting in the form of unhurried presentations and discussions, seeks to explore how philosophy can help to manage contemporary challenges.
We welcome submissions that undertake philosophical enquiry into the ontology, epistemology, axiology and aesthetics of both managing grand challenges as well as managing business organisations in the context of those contemporary challenges.
Possible themes include (but are not limited to):
1. Philosophy for managing (in the context of):
– human-induced degradations of the natural environment
– the rise of anti-democratic and/or illiberal regimes
– modern slavery
– poverty / economic inequalities
– anti-humanist challenges of the AI revolution
2. Management solutions from philosophy:
– political philosophy
– rival theories dialogue
– history’s big thinkers
– responsible innovation
– new directions for management education
3. Philosophising management itself:
– what is (business) management?
– management as a science or an art?
– is management a humanity (Drucker) and if not what is it?
– what organisational values and which organisational conscience?
– managing reality versus management as reality
Please submit a short paper (approx 1,500 words) setting out the question, approach and main lines of argument to w.vandekerckhove@greenwich.ac.uk
Key dates:
– deadline for short paper submission: 20 February 2020
– notification of acceptance: 20 March 2020
– conference: 10-13 July 2020
– fee estimate £800 including conference registration, 3 nights accommodation, breakfasts, lunch and dinners.
Conference Committee:
– Dr Wim Vandekerckhove
– Dr Vincent Blok
– Dr Marian Eabrasu
– Dr Cristina Neesham
– Dr Eva Tsahuridu
– Prof David Wilson